Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Baby Bump

It's a pretty cool thing to wake up and as your laying there, trying to find the energy to get up out of bed, feel little kicks in your belly. This little boy is quite the soccer player. He moves and kicks all day long, today he began at 6:50Am. His little kicks gave me just the motivation to get out of bed and go greet my other baby with smiles and laughter. I first started feeling him move at 18 weeks (4 1/2 months) about the same time I felt Luna, however he moves a lot more than she did! The next exciting milestone, Luna being able to SEE the movement! Although it looks a little freaky alien like, I think it's cool. I am getting excited about a new baby!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The 30's are the best years

The prediction that this is going to be a great year (my 30th year that is)is already coming true.

There are so many wonderful things going on:

  • Today, a few hours ago, I rec'd the "Above and Beyond" award at work, which came with a $100 check AND a day off. I am still in shock.

  • Yesterday I was complimented by several Jazzercise students. They said since I have been pregnant my classes have been harder and I am really on top of it, with few mistakes. They said I seem very happy pregnant.

  • I am going to have a baby boy. I think a brother will be wonderful for Luna and he will be the perfect addition to our family.

  • Luna is so much fun, so smart, healthy, so sweet, and so adorable. When I told her we are having a boy she said a prince and they will live in a castle.

  • She is almost out of diapers. Praise the Lord! the end is in site. She gives Ignacio and I such big hugs and kisses and greetings whenever we come home, pick her up etc. In fact just today when I entered the kitchen (she was already eating) she said "oh hi mommy" and gave me a big hug. She also gives me sweet compliments like "i like your new shoes" or "That is such a beautiful skirt" She is polite. She says no thank you. She also greets people and says hello and goodbye and gives hugs to her aunts and uncles.

  • Ignacio is a great, supportive husband. He has been working hard to say kind things, reduce nagging and arguments. He also helps a lot by cooking and cleaning. He is wonderful with Luna and plays a huge role in taking care of her etc.

  • My sisters, best friend Jenn and friends Barbara & husband and Pepe & guest had a great time at the Derby Dinner Theater.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My baby is 3!

We had a nice party in the park for Luna's 3rd birthday. You think she had fun? Oh yeah and we served chocolate ice cream, just like the ice cream all over Luna's dress!
Everything worked out wonderful, the princess castle cake, there was plenty of pizza and lots of fun.
The dad's got a work out while playing frisbee. The kids played on the playground and the moms chatted away.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A great 30th Birthday!

My good friends and family are making this a wonderful birthday. I was a little worried that I would be sad b/c I am turing 30, but I am not because of the wonderful people in my life.
My first gift of the day was Luna waking me up 30 minutes earlier than we really need to get up-and the first thing she said to me is: Today your birthday?
Next my husband wished me happy birthday and gave me a Coach purse so that I never have to buy another purse till I die :)
When I entered my workplace my boss wished me Happy Birthday and later asked what kind of cake I want.
Then I arrive at work to a decorated cubical. My friend Maren decorated my desk with ballons and confieti and a cool picture and great card! I hope she knows how much I love it!
A bunch of friends wished me happy birthday through facebook and coworkers wished me happy birthday through email.
And most recently FLOWERS! My friend Jennifer gave me a cute card and very pretty flowers. It was a perfect gift. Thank you so much!
At home, my wonderful husband made empanadas for me and invited friends over to share. He also got me a cake from my favorite bakery. It was great!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Luna's big girl bed

It's still not painted (note to self, just buy a new bed next time). I meant to take a before and after picture, but forgot so you'll just have to enjoy the finished product. Although it's been more work and time than I thought (sanding, primer and now painting) it should be soon now.

More funny happenings

Luna and her dad were eating dinner (he had his shirt off) and she said she wanted to take her shirt off. After taking off her shirt she said look daddy I am like you now!

We like to put the music on and dance in our house, Luna likes to dance to. When Ignacio and I would dance together (usually a salsa or merengue song) she would get very jeleous and make us stop and dance with her.
Well yesterday something strange happened. Luna told me I was a princess and her daddy was the prince and she put a sheet on me, that she said was her dress and then told us to dance. So we danced and she just stood there smiling, watching us, as if she set us up. She was very content looking at her prince and princess match.

For Luna's 3rd birthday I asked her what kind of invitation she wanted-she choose princess of course. I then decided to buy sleeping beauty stamps and have her help me put the invitation in the envelope and put the stamps on.
Well she got tired of putting on the stamps after 3, but who would of thought her favorite part would be licking the stamps. She thought it was funny and tasted good. She even tried licking both sides!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Funny things

An 75 year old man told me today that he can't use his computer because it has an infection

On our way home from camping while were in the car Luna told Ignacio he is not a good listener. I asked her why and she said because he didn't turn left like the GPS said to do.

At work we had a mocktini bar during the Toastmaster Most Humorist Speech contest and one of the drinks was called a "relations on the shore"

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Baby #2

Ignacio and I have decided to add one more darling to our family. We don't care if it's a boy or girl. We will be thrilled to have a happy, healthy baby!

I am more than 3 months pregnant and tomorrow we are going to the doctor to hear the heartbeat. I am so excited! Luna is excited too, we are going to take her! I know this entire experience will be completely different than when I was pregnant with Luna but I am looking forward to experiencing it with her and Ignacio. So far my first 3 months were a little rough because of feeling sick, but I felt good yesterday, so I am hoping that part is over. I am also hoping the tired part is over. I really need to find some energy. I have lots to do before baby #2. Lots of painting, but most importantly I need to paint Luna's bed so that she can begin to sleep in a big girl bed. I am looking forward to the look of her face when she sees her pretty new bed. This friday Ignacio and I will go shopping for her sheets and bed set. It's so fun having a little girl!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Good Times in Cincy

Luna and I had a nice trip to Cincy. She had a blast playing with all her cousins! I had fun playing with her in the morning before we went to the pool.

I am thankful for a chance to visit with my best girlfriend, a pleasant lunch with my father, a safe trip home and a good night's rest.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Corn and Rice Allergies

Today is a good day. I just returned from the allergist with Luna. They did some retests and turns out she is no longer allergist to corn and rice. This is great because we eat a lot of rice in our house and Luna loves rice. Also Luna loves corn on the cob. Just yesterday we were at the supermarket and she saw some and asked for it (I had to say no). But now I will happily cook that tonight! In addition, I no longer have to pick out the corn from the bag of mixed frozen vegtables that we use when we make our chicken, potatoes and rice dish!
It is a very easy and common dish in our home. All you do is throw chicken (we love chicken thighs with the bone) potatoes, vegtables (if using frozen vegtables you might want to wait a 1/2 to add them.), 1 chopped onion, 2-3 chopped tomatoes, garlic, adobo seasoning and sazon seasoning in a pot and cook till chicken is done. Serve over rice.
More good news, she didn't test positive for peanuts. Yeah for Luna! She will do a challenge in the office in about 6 months. Hopefully she isn't allergic to peanuts anymore. (unfortunetly she did test very allergic to almost every tree nut)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Homegrown Cucumbers

This is a picture of the cucumbers from my garden!
Having your own garden is so much fun. I planted 3 ting cucumber plants. When I put them in the ground in late May, each had only 2 leaves. They ended up producing more than 20 cucumbers. The big suprise was the size. They were as big as the ones they sell at the supermarket! It was nice walking outside and picking a cucumber anytime we needed one.
Tomatoes too!
Luna loves cherry tomatoes. She eats them like candy. We planted two bushes and got plenty of tomatoes. She pickes them off the bush and pops them in her mouth. She will eat a pint in less than 15 minutes.
We also grew a pepper plant in a pot and it produced 3 green pepper that we used in a delicious marinara sauce! I also have a watermelon and cateloupe plant that I planted a bit late and have yet to produce anything.
Now I know how easy gardening is, maybe next year I will grow more!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Best soft serve ice cream in Louisville

Sometimes you just need a good vanilla soft serve dipped in chocolate.

When I was 13 I worked at a little pony keg (a small store that sells candy, liquior, "papers", lottery tickets, potato chips and soda pop) Attached to the store was a tiny area where I worked as the ice cream girl. It was basically a big enough area to make ice cream cones, sundaies, etc. There was one window where people would place their order. Needless to say I ate my share of ice creams. This store no longer exists, however there is one similar, but this is all in Cincinnati.

So this began my mission to find a good, small, ma and pa ice cream place, preferable one that is only open in the summer (that makes it more authentic!)
Here's what I found.

Dairy Castle Ice Cream -575 Eastern Parkway

Daurt Delight -Prestion highway

I'll let you know how it is!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Today I am thankful for

1. a "Morning darlings" text from my sister on my way to work. That was so sweet of her. She is a wonderful sister and friend.

2. That I found the energy and motivation to teach my aerobic class last night. I am so glad I did it. It feels good to exercise. It is good for my body and the baby. I felt good afterwards. And it was nice to see my happy, positive and kind students in class. One even brought me water in the middle of class because I ran out. I really enjoy their company!

3. Watermelon

4. Music

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


This blog is a great way for me to journal about all the things I am grateful for. I'll keep it to 4 things a day. In this moment I am grateful for

1. My supportive husband. I think everyday this week he has asked me, How are you? and reminds me to eat my protein.

2. The beautiful summer with all the green trees, flowing plants, and animals.

3. Luna's kiss to my pregnant belly this morning when I dropped her off at school.

4. A good laugh with my girlfriend when someone overheard her say "that was the funniest time I got hit by a car"

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Pool Party

This past weekend I was invited to a grill out at the house of a Jazzercise student. It was all Jazzercisers, plus some husbands and my daughter. We had so much fun we stayed till 7pm!

Lisa and her husband have a beautiful house on 5 acres with a beautiful house, great pool and pond with fish!

Thank you Lisa for the best pool party of the year!

Luna loves swimming. She had a ball at my friend's pool . She could touch the bottom if on her tippy toes and that was very exciting for her.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Pregnancy, Estrogen, and WomenPREGNANCY Q & A & more!

Q: Should I have a baby after 35?
A: No, 35 children is enough.
Q : I'm two months pregnant now. When will my baby move?
A: With any luck, right after he finishes college.
Q : What is the most reliable method to determine a baby's sex?
A: Childbirth.Q: My wife is five months pregnant and so moody that sometimes she'sborderline irrational.A: So what's your question?
Q : My childbirth instructor says it's not pain I'll feel duringlabor, but pressure. Is she right?
A: Yes, in the same way that a tornado might be called an air current.
Q: When is the best time to get an epidural?
A: Right after you find out you're pregnant.
Q : Is there any reason I have to be in the delivery room while mywife is in labor?
A: Not unless the word 'alimony' means anything to you.
Q: Is there anything I should avoid while recovering from childbirth?A: Yes, pregnancy.
Q : Do I have to have a baby shower?
A: Not if you change the baby's diaper very quickly.
Q : Our baby was born last week. When will my wife begin to feel andact normal again?
A: When the kids are in college.'

1. Everyone around you has an attitude problem.
2. You're adding chocolate chips to your cheese omelet.
3. The dryer has shrunk every last pair of your jeans.
4. Your husband is suddenly agreeing to everything you say.
5. You 're using your cellular phone to dial up every bumper stickerthat says: 'How's my driving-call 1- 800-'.
6. Everyone's head looks like an invitation to batting practice.
7. Everyone seems to have just landed here from 'outer space.'
9. You're sure that everyone is scheming to drive you crazy.
10. The ibuprofen bottle is empty and you bought it yesterday.

10. Cats' facial expressions.
9. The need for the same style of shoes in different colors.
8. Why bean sprouts aren't just weeds.
7. Fat clothes.
6. Taking a car trip without trying to beat your best time.
5. The difference between beige, ecru, cream, off-white, and eggshell.
4. Cutting your hair to make it grow.
3. Eyelash curlers.
2. The inaccuracy of every bathroom scale ever made.AND, the Number One thing only women understand:


Louisville is a great city to live in!

  • Right now everything is green and pretty. Some cities are all concrete, but not here. The summer weather has been great and we've had plenty of rain so even the grass is looking great!

  • It takes about 20 minutes to get anywhere. That's not bad, but if you want to spend even less time in the car you can bike! We have ots of side walks and even special lanes for bikes.

  • Bumber stickers that say "Keep Louisville Weird"

  • Lots of concerts and many of them are Free!

  • Derby! and Oaks!

  • We are the city with the most non chain resturants per capita

  • Lots of fun things to do; a great Zoo, great parks, a six flags park, art galleries, museums and

  • Farmers markets in every town where you can buy fresh produce from your local farmers

Friday, June 27, 2008

Learn to speak chinese

My friend sent me this and I think it's so funny I would post it on my blog. No idea where she got it from. I might get arrested for violating copyright or something so I hope you really enjoy it!

learn to speak Chinese:
1) That's not right ....................... Sum Ting Wong
2) Are you harboring a fugitive?............. Hu Yu Hai Ding
3) See me ASAP................................ Kum Hia Nao
4) Small Horse ......................... Tai Ni Po Ni
5) Did you go to the beach? ............ Wai Yu So Tan
6) I bumped into a coffee table ........ Ai Bang Mai Ni
7) I think you need a face lift ........... Chin Tu Fat
8) It's very dark in here ................. Wao So Dim
9) I thought you were on a diet ........... Wai Yu Mun Ching
10) This is a tow away zone ................ No Pah King
11) Our meeting is scheduled for next week ... Wai Yu Kum Nao
12) Staying out of sight ................ Lei Ying Lo
13) He's cleaning his automobile .......... Wa Shing Ka
14) Your body odor is offensive ........... Yu Stin Ki Pu

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Where in the world is Jenn?

For 6 days my best friend and I have been playing phone tag. She has somethng important to tell me and I have something important to tell her. Only problem is we are never available at the same time. She only lives 2 hours away but it's like we live in opposite time zones. I call her during the day, she doesn't pick up and so I leave a message. She calls me in the evening and I am already in bed. For the past 6 days we have called eachother everyday and usually more than once, only to get the other's voice mail.

I work Full Time 9Am-5PM. Jenn works a lot too. I am not sure if she is officially FT but her hours are usually in the evening and she'll call me around 10:30 PM on her way home from work. There was a time that that wasn't a bad time for me, but lately I've been so tired. I can't make it to 10PM!

Jenn are you out there!

I leave for Miami in 2 weeks I hope we get to talk before then!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Wizard of Oz

I love this quote from Linda, the good witch in Wizard of Oz. "It's always best to start at the begining."

Luna loves the movie, so I got the CD and we listen to it a LOT and the movie has so many wonderful qoutes, and life lessons.

I love that towards the end of her journey Dorothy learns she always had the power to get home and when she says this to Linda. Linda tells her yes but that she couldn't just tell her she had to learn on her own.

And of course another beautiful message in Wizard of Oz is the importance of family and how special they are, although sometimes we take them for granted "there's no place like home"

Friday, June 6, 2008


2 dozen roses that my husband suggested that I buy from Costco. They look so beautiful in my kitchen.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Do not feed the Ducks!

Yesterday my friend and I took Luna to feed the geese and ducks at a pond near my work. I had done this before with Luna and she loves it. It's a big hit. While we're feeding my friend notices a sign that says "Do not feed the ducks". How wonder we're always the only ones there.

Oh, the funny things that happen to me!

Luna was crying because she wanted blueberries. I told her that if she wanted something instead of crying she needs to say mommy I want something. so she says "mommy I want something". I say "good what do you want?" She said "something" Do you think she got what I was trying to say?

Today I won a ribbon for the "best table topic" I was so excited I thought I won the award because of my creative speaking ability. I later found out all the guys voted for me because I told a story about pulling up my pantyhose.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Get organized

click here to see picture.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Funny Happenings

I was at my friends house this weekend and she has a wall with 6 clocks on it. I had my back to the wall and when it seemed to be getting late I asked someone with a watch what time it was.

I took the family to the pool on Memorial Day.We had a good time, except when a passing bird pooped on Ignacio's leg.

Friday, May 23, 2008

How to have a good day

Marcy's tips on how to have a good day. These are mainly for me. But a few people might read this so, enjoy!
1.Put clothes out and have lunches ready the night before
2. Get out of bed the first time the alarm rings: sometimes I wait till my husband tells me I am late or when Luna's singing has gotten so loud I can't sleep anyways
2. Stretch: Don't have much of a choice. I can't really move intil I stretch anyways.
3. Be on time for work: It feels so good
4. Exercise: It is scientifically proven that exercise increases your energy levels
5. Eat well: Eat some Protein, vegtables and fruit and don't eat all the donuts the boss brought in
6. Clean the House: Less clutter creates a sense of peace. A man's home is his castle
7. The Power of Gratitude: End your day by recalling 4 things you are greatful for.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Churchill Downs Part 2

Here is my husband and two brother in laws. Great location, right in front of the finish line. Everyone liked the box!
Congratulations to Sue, she won $2.00!

Churchill Downs

Alisa (my oldest sister) and I at the tracks.
Your the greatest BFF!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Chasing Chickens

Marcy: Uh, the sign says no running.

Henry's Ark: Part 3

Marisa: Uh, why is the Emu following me? Will it hurt me? This place smells.
For some reason the kids were not a big fan of the Emus but they sure did like us. They aren't shy creatures. Isn't Bigbird an Emu?
Athena: Who needs a carrot?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Sue and Mia

Sue: Let me have her. Can I have her? See how she loves me?
Could someone break her the news, Mia is not her daughter. Mia is Alisa's baby. Jessi watch out she'll try to steal your baby!

Henry's Ark

Los primos! The cousins! Athena, Marisa, Luna and Cameron at the farm. Marisa said it smelled. Cameron said he had to catch a chicken. Luna said come on everyone there's a pato (duck) that needs our help. Athena said my mom's allergic to poison ivy. Marcy said the camera doesn't work, I am going to kill Ignacio.

Good times were had by all! Can't wait to have my family visit again.

Friday, May 16, 2008


The reasons I love exercise

1. I feel energized after I work out.

2. I can eat without feeling guilty

3. It puts me in a good mood

4. You can do it to music and enjoy the endorphine rush of the exercise and the joy of the music

Why do you love exercise?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Power of Gratitude

What are you grateful for today?

Cool co-workers, Jennifer and Maren.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My best friend, Jenn

She didn't call me for a few days and my husband asked me if I was dumped. No way! Jenn would never dump me for a new best friend.

Happy Belated Birthday Jenn! I am so sorry! Don't dump me. lol

Today I am grateful for sweetpotatoes. Aren't they great? I love them with butter. They don't need to be swimming in butter, maybe just a tablespoon per potato.

2. Today I am grateful for the rain. Because without the rain I would never of had this cool conversation with Luna. "Luna", I say in spanish "where does the rain come from?". She's says she doesn't know, so I tell her the sky. Then she tells me when the clouds are gray. She must be a genius.

3. Today I am grateful for teh forecast of no rain on Saturday. Saturday I am going to Churchhill downs to watch the horses race!

4. Today I am grateful for the massage that I will be getting. I know you all are jealous.