Friday, December 30, 2011

Goals 2012

There are so many good books I want to read! If I can get them from the library on audio that would be great because I can listen in the car, doing dishes, cleaning the kitchen, getting the kids clothes put out and on trips to cincy and walking on my treadmill, which my husband recently fixed for me. Yeah!
However sometimes it's cheaper to get the book and some things aren't available on audio. Other times I need the book because I have to go back and look at stuff or somethings are so great I just HAVE to write them down.
Here’s my list:
12 Books and/or Audiobooks I Plan to Listen to in 2012
January — Weird, Beards Bread
February — One Thousand Gifts, The dietfailure, The naked Truth by Phoenix Gilman.
March — Never Say Diet In defense of Food
April — What Happens When women say Yes to God,  Captivating
May — Unglued, The Circle Maker
June — A confident Heart
July — Bringing up kids without tearing them down
August — Jesus the one and Only
September — Free Choice
October — Raising Boys
November — Sugar Nation
December —
As I finish each of these, I’ll post my thoughts on them. Do you have any recomendations for great reads?

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sugar Blues Update

I am on my 3rd day without white sugar. I just read an encouraging post from Lysa TerKeurst's Blog, I am encouraged by everything she wrote but one thing was this; changes need to be made and making those changes in the quietness of our pantry when no one else is looking"

Yes, it's a quite journey, that will be never be over and will consist of many small choices every day. I am praying for my girlfriend too. We are bothe trying to get healthy and lose some weight.

Oh and I found another reason to lose weight to add to my personal list;
Losing tummy weight will help with my back pain. Imagine 10 lbs off the belly, which is what I think I have. It will help my posture and overall back pain. I have a friend in Colombia. She is about 46 and has arthritis so bad she can't lift her arms higher than her shoulders. She is in so much pain daily that she has to take very strong medicine. The medicine eventually "wears" off and she has to find a different one. It is a really bad disease. I would not consider her overweight. She is maybe 5'6'' and about 140 lbs. Says one of the best things she can do is lose weight. I believe her because she is a doctor, in fact one of the best pediatric nuerologist in Colombia, South America. Losing weight will lessen the load on her joints and help her to be in less pain. So it's good for your body to not have to carry extra weight.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fructose: Is It Safe?

Fructose: Is It Safe?

The Sugar Blues

Here are my personal reasons for ditching white sugar and artificial sugar;
1) Mood-Experts say sugar makes PMS worse, so I am predicting cutting out sugar will help lift my overall mood
2) Less Colds and other aliments- I read that sugar suppresses our immune system by inhibiting the ability of white blood cells to engulf bacterial and viral invaders.
3) Prevent Diabetes-My dad's pancreas doesn't even work anymore. He has to give himself a shot of insuln to lower his blood sugar. I do not want to be doing that. If diet and exercise can reverse diabetes, It can prevent it!
4) Lower cholestorol. It is currently 225. My doctor says it needs to get down.
5) Look better-Sugar causes you to age faster. I figure it is a lot cheaper to give up sweets than to spend 100's of dollars on anti-winkle cream!

Here are more of my reasons in order of importance. These are fairly typical of most people, so I put them in a seperate category:

1) Lose weight- specifically in my belly. It is SO huge and I am so sick of it.
2) Feel better -see above #1
3) Get healthy- sugar causes your teeth to rot

So I have all my reasons. Now I need to find my strength. I can't do it on my own, but God willing I will overcome my sugar addiction.