Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Baby #2

Ignacio and I have decided to add one more darling to our family. We don't care if it's a boy or girl. We will be thrilled to have a happy, healthy baby!

I am more than 3 months pregnant and tomorrow we are going to the doctor to hear the heartbeat. I am so excited! Luna is excited too, we are going to take her! I know this entire experience will be completely different than when I was pregnant with Luna but I am looking forward to experiencing it with her and Ignacio. So far my first 3 months were a little rough because of feeling sick, but I felt good yesterday, so I am hoping that part is over. I am also hoping the tired part is over. I really need to find some energy. I have lots to do before baby #2. Lots of painting, but most importantly I need to paint Luna's bed so that she can begin to sleep in a big girl bed. I am looking forward to the look of her face when she sees her pretty new bed. This friday Ignacio and I will go shopping for her sheets and bed set. It's so fun having a little girl!

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