Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fairy Garden

Luna's Fairy garden next to the deck in the back yard.
There was pink fairy dust in Luna's fairy garden this morning! 
       She said, "I knew fairies were real"
Then she wondered what kind of fairy it was that visited.  She marvaled at all the pretty pink fairy dust. Could there have been two?  The fairy dust in the water looked blue.  She dipped her finger in and decided in was pink, it just looks blue in the water.  She looked to see if there was fairy dust in the little green house that was in the garden. It is not picture because she took it out to look.  Nothing.  The fairy must not of gone in the house. Then she ran to her other fairy garden which was close by on the back porch (pictured below) to see if that one too had fairy dust.  Nothing.  She went back to this one and looked again.  She wonders if they will come again. Luna also said she can't wait to tell everyone.  Her excited didn't end.  Refusing to eat breakfast because she just wants to look at it all day long:) She then brought the other fairy garden and began taking things from that one to put in this one.  I am sure she will check first thing in the morning:)

Luna's first Fairy garden

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