Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Goals 2012 cont..

Family/Mothering Goals
1) Speak more Spanish
     -by movie night in spanish, story time in spanish,
2) Routines
3) 1 toy out at time at a time
4)  punish before lose temper
5)  read/discuss partenting book with Ignacio
6)  Try more types of beans and bean soups

Family Trips for 2012
1) Turkey Run
2) Miami
3) Land between Lakes
4) Camping with Boehms
5) Camping with Denny and Debbi
6) N.Y
7) Liliana or other unplanned visitors
8) Smokey Mountains

1) AM bible time
2) Study/prepare more for small group
3) make church a priority by putting out clothes the night before
4) burn CD (blessings, forgiven) for Ingrid

2012 Goals for the House
January - Paint guest Bedroom and Basement, prepare soil in gardens, mirror lay on dresser.  BLINDS or something, ask shannon, paint basement door, closet knobs, buy red pillows and throw, night stand for quest room, touch ups, goof off, faux metal art behind sofa, get basement carpet cleaned,
February - Paint Frames and Kickboards, Fence in LR, grout and caulk in kitchen and backsplash
March -New toilet, new tile, grout and guest bath, Prepare Carrot garden with sand
April -Front Lanscape, trim trees, buy seeds, plant lettus and cilantro in garden
May -Vents, repaint guest bathroom walls, cabinet and guest bathroom ceiling
June - Replace window in our kitchen, Paint our closet and foyer closet
July - Put up pixs in LR, Playroom light burlap $80 potterybarn, measure diamater
August-Paint Front Door/replace or fix front and backstorm doors, clean carpets
September - Paint Beams/ paint Ceilings in LR
October - Paint our bedroom -Benjamin Moore, decorators white 1-04, wall lamps or floor lamps, patch hole, hang wall mirror
November - buy rug for living room
December - change deck or put in new sinks in master bathroom

Things I would like to accomplish this year
Metal Faux frames
Spice Drawer
Cut Gabe's and Luna's hair
Yard Sale
Sell stuff on ebay/craigslist
Stick to budget, use cash.
New Sprint Phone
Garden-carrots, tomatos, cucumbers, lettuce and parsley.
Paint green bookshelf
make drawer into box
feather baretts
Disney Pix's

Personal Goals
Lose weight

Financial Goals
-Pay cash for everything
-Stick to budget
-Complete 6 months Emergency Fund by May
-Pay cash for a bedroom set and headboard for guestbedroom  (or pieces to make a set)
-Pay cash for a bedroom set and headboard for Gabriel (not really a set, since that is not economical)
-New computer/Build retirement
Whew, now that's all written in here can throw out my 5 random peace of scrap papers with my scribbled goals written on them

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