I am on my 3rd day without white sugar. I just read an encouraging post from Lysa TerKeurst's Blog, http://lysaterkeurst.com/2011/12/made-to-crave-fun-giveaway/?#comment-162970. I am encouraged by everything she wrote but one thing was this; changes need to be made and making those changes in the quietness of our pantry when no one else is looking"
Yes, it's a quite journey, that will be never be over and will consist of many small choices every day. I am praying for my girlfriend too. We are bothe trying to get healthy and lose some weight.
Oh and I found another reason to lose weight to add to my personal list;
Losing tummy weight will help with my back pain. Imagine 10 lbs off the belly, which is what I think I have. It will help my posture and overall back pain. I have a friend in Colombia. She is about 46 and has arthritis so bad she can't lift her arms higher than her shoulders. She is in so much pain daily that she has to take very strong medicine. The medicine eventually "wears" off and she has to find a different one. It is a really bad disease. I would not consider her overweight. She is maybe 5'6'' and about 140 lbs. Says one of the best things she can do is lose weight. I believe her because she is a doctor, in fact one of the best pediatric nuerologist in Colombia, South America. Losing weight will lessen the load on her joints and help her to be in less pain. So it's good for your body to not have to carry extra weight.
Don't know who your friend is, but I need the prayer too! Oink oink! This holiday food is killing me! (p.s. if you just said no to that chocolate muffin you have so much more will power than I do!)
I didn't say no to it. It is sitting at my desk. I look at it and i think wow it is like a drug. I am want it so bad.
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