Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Luna's 5!

My little girl is growing so fast. A few days before her birthday she said that when she turns 5 she will lose a tooth and talk funny and that she will have a bone in her arm (as she pointed to her bicep) She also wanted to learn to tie her shoes before her birthday.

Here is the bat pinata that she requested for her birthday. It's homemade, in case you can't tell.

Luna is in Junior Kindergarden and goes to school in the AM. We like the schedule. She is learning sight words and all other great things. Her least favorite part of school is circle time b/c you just sit there and do nothing (not true) and her favorite is playing in the centers. She continues to be a great big sister. Their favorite game is still playing chase in the house, running around the couch and through the kitchen. Luna's favorite activities are playing dolls and pretend. We usually play with dolls or barbies and pretend their is a birthday and also that candy is healthy and one of the dolls usually has a baby and then the baby grows up. Oh and we also pretend (at Luna's request) that they dolls don't know spanish.

Luna is very good a drawing, she also continues to love catepillares, TV, cotton candy, baking cakes, and having stories read to her.

And the bat cake!

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