Thursday, November 12, 2009

What are the best elementry schools in Louisville?

Well in Louisville we don't have neighborhood schools. In Cincinnati where I grew up you simply went to the school closest to your house and you took the school bus, unless you were always turned around in your seat, up on your knees talking to the kids behind you, then you got kicked off the bus and your parents had to drive you. Obviously that never happened to me:)
So in Cincinnati, if you didn't like the school near you or you wanted to send your child to a better performing school you could either drive them to a private school or move to a different school district.
Anyways here in Louisville they want to create diverse schools by mixing up the students, therefore you can't just go to the school nearest to your house and your child might have to have a very long bus ride to a school across town. Basically you are asigned a cluster and within that cluster you get to chose 4 schools. A lot of people don't get their 1st or 2nd choice, sometimes they get their 3rd or 4th choice, but it might be very far from their house and not a school they wanted at all. Moving within the county doesn't guarentee you anything except a different cluster, so I that is not an option. In short it's kind of like luck of the draw here in Louisville.

My daughter is 5 and must go to kindergarden next year. We are hoping she can get a good education at a public school. I hear the Oldham County Public Schools are good but I would have to move to Oldham county and I don't want to move)

I visited Middletown and St, Matthews and I like them both. I hope Luna gets into one of them If she doesn't we will send her to Ascention, a Catholic elementary school near our house) but my husband is cringing at the idea of paying out so much money for pirvate education.

Do you like the Jefferstown Public School system? Is Oldam county really that good?

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