Friday, October 18, 2013

Sunday, September 1, 2013

What I've learned today at Coney Island

ALWAYS make two baggies of snacks because you have two kids! Stop making only one bag for them to share. The cost if saving one Baggie is not worth your frustration nor the annoyance you will experience and thus the anger you will show your children. 2 of everything! Always!!!

You don't have to close the water park. Even if your not tired. Go when it's been enough and you will have some energy left. You have to pace yourself. If you stay till the end you might be spent and short tempered for the packing up, rinsing off and dressing the kids part and that my friend you almost need a second wind for. Remember in parenting when it's over that's really just the beginning because getting kids to go.... Can take more patience and energy than the 4 hours playing in the sunlight pool. Goodnight Coney Island.

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, August 16, 2013

Fwd: Alabama Gulf Shore

> Our 2013 summer vacation

Alabama Gulf Shore

Our 2013 summer vacation

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Oh summer!

I don't have to work!
Perfect sunny day
Clean splash park
Surrounded by wild flowers
Happy kids
Healthy food from home
Barefoot Gabriel
Soft trail walk
Passing blueberry bushes
Sweet mulberries
Purple stained hands and mouths
Blue dragonflies
Running stream
Red tailed black birds
Cool clean creek
Collecting shells
Catching Baby and mommy crayfish

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Scallop art work

Last year I made scallop art work.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

It's the simple things in life.

I love seeing how happy my kids are with such simple things.
A pool with a slide brings Luna such joy.
A swing set
Sand and water!
I play volleyball on Friday night and it amazes me how much my kids look forward to it.
I look with amazement at Gabriel carrying a plastic cup of water from true water jug to his play area in the sand.
You would think I gave him heaven; sand and also an endless supply of water refills to put in the sand!

Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

To Jazmine

Last year my niece watched my kids while I worked.  She took great care of them.  She did many things right.  She is good with kids and really does like her cousins.  She is a sweet girl; smart, strong and talented.      I didn't allow her to let my children watch TV.  Interestly she let them.  I found out later.  She said she wanted them to enjoy some TV.  She did it with pure intentions.  She believed she was doing something nice for the kids.  Letting them enjoy their childhood.  I was keeping them from something that they should have, because they are kids.  I couldn't find the words to express to her why I don't want them watching to much TV.   She also doesn't agree that I let them believe in fairies and Santa.  Actually I encourage the make believe. I think she wants to tell them they don't exist.  But my niece is respectful with her opinion.
      She wasn't sheltered.  She was exposed to things children aren't suppose see.  She is very mature for her age maybe because of all she has been through.     She is 13 and she thinks it's OK to watch R movies.  I tried to explain that we need to "guard our hearts".  But she says she learns from the bad ones.  She can watch them but not pick up the bad influence of them.  She can expose her self to R movies and shoes and situations and it doesn't affect her.  Finally I find a post that might help her understand.
        So i don't know how to link this up to his blog but this is a post by Brant Hansen. 
(From Brant: This guy sure is cranky. But occasionally, he takes over my blog, and says some stuff, and I can't stop him. I just want you to know that I am thoroughly offended by his tone, and am already drafting a strongly worded letter to me about it. I'm more offended than you, even.)
"Should you shelter your kids?"
The Krusty Sage and the Mrs. Krusty Sage have homeschooled their kids. (Mostly Mrs. Krusty Sage, to be straight-up honest, yo.) Now, the K.S. does NOT care whether you homeschool or not. Don't want to? Can't? Whatev, man. Your kids, your situation, your call.
But please spare the Sage your concern that he "shelters" his kids. Why yes, we do, and have. Thanks. Glad you're concerned. By the way: If you don't "shelter" your kids, you're a traitor.
Remember the Sam Kinison sketch on SNL? He's a kindergarten teacher, and a shiny, happy mom and dad walk in for their first Parent-Teacher conference. He tells them their daughter is seriously whack. They can't believe it. How? Why?
He shows them a picture she drew, with a happy little house, and a smiley-faced sun in the sky. "See this?! This is insane!" They don't get it. So he walks them over to the class window.
"Look at the sun up there. Can you see it? Let me ask you a question: IS THERE A SMILEY FACE ON THE SUN?"
He then launches into a tirade about sheltered kindergarteners, unaware of the gritty real world. "That's why I've chosen THIS text," he says, slamming down a thick tome. "It's about the REAL WORLD! VIETNAM! Lying in a trench in the mud, watching your friend get his head blown off!"

Yeah, man, Vietnam. The real world, man. Get those kids exposed, now. As if there's not a season for everything, as if childhood isn't fit for children, as if "sheltering" weren't one of the things you are precisely charged with doing as a parent.

If you don't shelter your kids, you're a traitor. Maybe I mentioned that. "Shelter", "protect" -- what's the dif, dad?

Maybe it matters what you show them on TV. Maybe it matters that a six year-old may not be ready to watch the new Batman movie, or that your 13 year-old son is seriously wondering why you're not creeped out by watching a sex scene on TV along with him in the room. Maybe your daughter actually does absorb foolishness from Seventeen and MTV, and maybe that matters.

("But I watched some sex scenes when I was a kid and some inappropriate shows and I turned out okay, and --" Really? You're "okay", huh? You sure? The K.S. wouldn't even say he's "okay". But you are? Neat.)
Maybe allowing your 14 year-old a computer in his room isn't really helping him learn the "real world", but about fake women, and he's in there sabotaging his future marriage, and you're letting it happen because you're a) breathtakingly naive, or b) you're not man enough to "shelter".
It's your job to shelter, pops. And if you think the mindless entertainment/consumption lifestyle is somehow "the real world", the K.S. is going to get out of his big, awesome, wooden chair and hit you with it.
The K.S. has a friend who was seriously concerned about how the Sage family hadn't let his kids watch "Superbad". Sadly, the same friend later said his dad had shown him porno mags when he was seven. No sheltering there. I feel for him.
Another friend once worked at a pre-school with both Amish and non-Amish children. They occasionally showed Disney videos to the kids, but the friend got a warning: "Be careful and make sure you watch the Amish kids closely. They aren't used to movies, so they can take things too seriously and get emotional." Weird, huh?
-- except it's not the Amish kids who were weird. They lived in a real world. A different one, sure. A "sheltered" one, sure. But far, far more real than Ariel and Belle. They aren't the odd ones. They're children. Childhood has it's own seasons, its own rhythm, its own implicit modesties, and, if allowed, its own sweet, and more real, charms.
So here's an idea: DO show your kids the real world -- in time, in season, and informed by wisdom. Help them to understand, from the outset, that some things aren't appropriate for them yet, but will be in time. Take them out of the country to the third world. Give them lots of great (usually not modern) books. Gradually give them more and more latitude as they demonstrate their own wisdom, with the goal of producing a well-formed, free-thinking, independent adult by their very late teens. (By the way, we steered our oldest to the largely non-sheltering environment of his new context of UC-Berkeley.)
Here's the downside: In order to do this, properly, you'll actually have to know them -- really know them. May mean giving up your awesome car or house and getting a different job. Sorry. Also means you can't watch a bunch of garbage on TV yourself. Sorry.
That's one problem with helping people grow up: You have to be a grown-up.

Monday, March 18, 2013

My purse is a mess

30 minutes late to the appointment. They can squeeze me in at 11 or I can reschedule. I choose 11:00. It means I will wait 1 hour. Later for work. time that will need to be made up. time away from my family. It was difficult to get here and I would probably be late the next time anyway or have similar problems parking. Finding my way in Downtown louisville is complex to me. Finding my way from the garage parking lot to the hospital is scary and overwhelming. I understand why some people choose not to leave heir house. I understand now why some people don't want to travel outside the country. I think I might even understand why some people don't want to learn to drive.

I was very proud of my self for not yelling or coming unglued with my children this morning. We were late of course. I didn't get out of bed when my alarm rang. Lord give me the strength to get up when my alarm rings so that I can get my kids to school on time. so that I can get to work on time OR in this case I can make my doctors appointment.
Even though I was late to this appointment I didn't begin the mental beating of myself. I gave myself grace. I was kind to myself. I didn't get upset. until I got to the registration desk. I could see the doctor 10 feet away. Sitting. What doctors sits at work? A doctor who's patient is late. I fumble through my purse looking for my Insurance card can't find because my purse is a mess. I feel like the clumsy girl in a ballet class full of graceful students. Everyone is together except me. the doctor's assistant stands over the receptionist and looks at her computer. Politely he states the obvious. I fumble through my purse this time looking for my parking ticket. if she stamps it now, then that is one thing i have accomplished. one thing i didn't forget. One thing i didn't mess up but my purse is a mess. The assistant says the doctor cant see me now. He has a procedure. That is when the tears come. The sweet receptionist tells me to take a deep breath. Kindness of strangers. She lives in jtown too. She just began working here and it's been an adjustment. I accept her kindness and went to the waiting room.

In the waiting room I release the break I had on my tears. As they come I remind myself the God sees me as worthy. That this world values order and punctuality but that God sees beautiful things in me. He does not condemn me for my tardiness. In fact punctuality is not listed as a fruit of the spirit. But The Lord is working. I am here on this earth to learn. It not horrible. It's not so bad because I am learning and growing and my purse is a mess but I have not arrived yet and that's ok because it take an avocado tree 7 years before it bears fruit. I am like an avocado tree.

Jesus said a good tree can't hear bad fruit. Thank you Jesus. And Lord help me to remember to water a fertilize my tree. Amen!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I'm tired
I'm worn
My heart is heavy
From the work it takes to keep on breathing

I've made mistakes
I've let my hope fail
My soul feels crushed
By the weight of this world
And I know that you can give me rest
So I cry out with all that I have left

Let me see redemption win
Let me know the struggle ends
That you can mend a heart that's frail and torn
I want to know a song can rise
From the ashes of a broken life
And all that's dead inside can be reborn
Cause I'm worn
I know I need
To lift my eyes up
But I'm too week
Life just won't let up
And I know that You can give me rest
So I cry out with all that I have left

Let me see redemption win
Let me know the struggle ends
That you can mend a heart that's frail and torn
I want to know a song can rise
From the ashes of a broken life
And all that's dead inside can be reborn
Cause I'm worn
And my prayers are wearing thin
I'm worn even before the day begins
I'm worn I've lost my will to fight
I'm worn so heaven so come and fluid my eyes
Let me see redemption win
Let me know the struggle ends
That you can mend a heart that's frail and torn
I want to know a song can rise
From the ashes of a broken life
And all that's dead inside can be reborn
Yes all that's dead inside will be reborn
Though I'm worn
Yeah I'm worn

Tenth Avenue North

Monday, March 4, 2013

Bucket List

Family Bucket list
I have already told Luna about swimming with the manatee and she is so on board.  It sounds a little chilly, so we would need to wait for gabe to be a little older.

Tioga Galls, KY
O'brannon. Corydon IN
Turkey Run
Hocking Hills
Rock Island State Park
Dogslaghter Falls, Daniel Boone National Forest
Chicago Aquarium
Indianapolis Museum
Atlanta Museum
Rough river
Land between the lakes
Discovery Cove
Costa Rica, where National Geographic photographed quetzals
Mexico where monarch go for winter

Thursday, February 14, 2013

2013 Goals

Gabe and Luna now want to go to Costa Rica. I am impressed how serious they are about it; they saved the money they usually use on snacks after gymnastics. We put in in Gabe's piggy bank. We are also turning off lights more to save money for a Costa Rica trip.

It will take a while but that is OK because they need to prepare by;
  • hiking more and longer
  • practice snorkeling
  • walking longer distances
  • improve their swimming
  • practice more spanish
While looking at my pictures from Costa Rica, Luna loved all the flowers, butterflies, snakes and animals.  Gabriel's favorite pictures; the alligators.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Colombian lentils

2 cups lentils

8 cups of water
4 small tomatoes
1 medium onion
3 teaspoons cumin
2 garlic cloves chopped
1 teaspoon salt
3 small chicken broth cubes
2 tbsp olive oil
4 medium small yellow potatoes cubed
Cooking Instructions
1. Sauté onion and garlic in oil for 15 minutes
2. Add everything except potatoes and boil for 1 minute then simmer for 30 minutes
3. Add potatoes and cook 15 more minutes

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

We were listening to the radio this morning. Way FM was talking about an interview that was yet to be aired on TV.  An officer was going to be awarded a medal of honor for his work in afganastan.  However the part being referenced was when he had to leave behind a soldier who was trapped under a car.  The afgan forces greatly outnumbered the US force.  Luna asked me to explain why this happened .  I told her about Osama Bin Ladin and what he did and that that is why we had to go to war.   I looked back and she was looking forward, hands in lap.  Pretty picture perfect face of hers.  tears rolling down.  

I have seen this kid cry a lot.  Tears of whinning.  Crying for something she can't have.  Tears of physical pain because she fell or her brother hit her while wrestling.  Tears because I put her in time out.  Tears and cries because she is tired. Lots of different kinds of tears.

This was the first time I ever saw her cry softly like this.  She has a soft sensitive heart like her mama.  Oh I hope she doesn't feel as much sadness as me!  God help me to find a good balance between how much I should expose her to and how much I should protect her from.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My baby book

My baby book. there wasnt one. i always wondered what i was like. what was my first word? how old was i when i walked. i want to know what i liked maybe it would give me a clue to who I am. then i relized i could figure out some things based on the little i know. for example my parents lived on a farm so i was outdoors a lot and that explains why I get grouchy when I don't get my dose of Mother Nature.
So here is my own baby book written by me:)
Played on the ground and around the farm
I came easily and beautifully into this word
It was my dad's most exciting day. He delivered me.
I was always around others because I had two older sister
I wasn't interested in competing with my older sisters

Saturday, January 19, 2013

I have. I have. I have. I am blessed

A beautiful big house
A heart rate monitor
A gym membership
Really nice Running shoes
Scallop artwork:)
A friend like Maren Who thinks like me when I thought i was the only one
Healthy children
Children that play really well together
A pair-a boy and a girl
A mini van

Friday, January 18, 2013

Want. Want. Need? I Want. Want.

If I write it down will it leave me alone?
-Date night with Luna
-Slip ons for gym
-Nice earbuds
-spin shoes
-Chemical peel
-Friends over for dinner
-Swimming googles
-earplugs for swimmings
-Snow skiing with kids

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

La Catarata de la Fortuna

My little sister, Jessi, in front of the waterfall.  
  La Catarata de la Fortuna is a waterfall that falls from a height of 70 meters.  To get there we enjoyed a long horse ride through the jungle. To get closer we hike down several "set of stairs". The stairs were made of rugged rocks so i put "stairs" in quotation marks.
    In fact to Prepare for a trip to Costa Rica I would recommend hitting the gym.  Specificaly the stair master and some weights for the upper torso.  The hike to see the waterfall in La fortuna left me winded and that was the way down!  Stronger arms might of helped my confidence during the zip lining. And of course strong arms are needed for white water rafting and repelling.
   Highlights of the trip include;
  • spotting a sting ray on the boatride to Tortuga Island in the Nicoya Peninsula region on the West coast of Costa Rica
  • The banana boat ride at Tortuga Island in the Nicoya Peninsula region on the West coast of Costa Rica
  • playing volleyball on the beach 
  • Seeing a rufus hummingbird
  • Lots of pretty colorful butterflies
  • Baldi hotsprings
  • A big butterful moth in the changing room
  • Close up view and feel of the waterfall at La fortuna
My Dad's most favorite part of the trip
1.  Going to bed and waking up in the same room.  He said it reminded him of when we were little girls and all sleep in one room.
2.   Riding the banana boat.  He said specifically watching me stand up on the float and jump up and down.  He said the boat driver was laughing so hard, my dad thought he was going to pee his pants.