Thursday, February 21, 2019

Monday, February 18, 2019


Today I am thankful for work!
After being out of work over the summer. It feel so good to be able to contribute to the household income. Ignacio always thanks for which makes me feel even more appreciated. VIPKID has been a huge blessing. It's good money and I don't have to drive anywhere!! And a nice peak right now is that with the weather change, I don't teach class at 9 so I get to go to exercise classes at the gym! I am so excited because I feel I am getting stronger and I can do more things than I could before.
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Thursday, February 7, 2019

Good advice

I've found lots of good reviews



Marcella Donohue


Friday, January 25, 2019

Blog entry

When I think of spending time in the car with my kids I don't necessarily think of good times. I think the many days I picked up Luna from daycare when she was 2 1/2. She went half a day to Sacred Heart preschool. She cried the whole way home. I remember calling my sister and holding up the phone so she could hear the whining that I had to deal with five days a week! I still don't know why she threw such a fit? Now, I think of picking them up from Cornerstone (Luna is 13 now) and as soon as they get in the car they dump negativity on me. " I hate Mrs.—-" I hate this school. I hate so and so" I hate math. I hate PE. Or there are tears. Or there is fighting. Sometimes Gabriel picks a fight with Luna. Sometimes Luna picks a fight with Gabriel. Other times there's a slew of whinny requests; " Can we get pizza? " they ask in an unsatisfied tone "What are we doing today?" they moan as if there life is so boring they can't bear it. However today was different.
Today it is 17°. Luna got into the car without account. I felt the Holy Spirit restrain me from griping at her. today they were asking me about my father. I told them how my dad couldn't work when we first moved to Cincinnati. I explained that all of us except Alisa work were all too young to go to school. I explained that the cost of daycare for three children would be more than the money he made. They asked how he got money and I explain to them that he had to collect welfare. They asked if that was good or bad. I explained that once we all were old enough to go to school he worked. Gabriel said didn't he build houses? and I got to tell them of how hard he worked. Today it is 15°. I was able to tell them that my dad worked in this same weather all winter eight hours a day sometimes 10 hours a day his hands would be so cold he couldn't feel them. Because when you're working in carpentry sometimes you can't wear the gloves because you need to use your fingers.
He asked if we he made good money. I told him it was OK. Sometimes my grandma had to help us with groceries. There was one Christmas where we didn't have money for gifts. I remember my grandma bought all the gifts. She helped us a lot. They listened the whole time. We all seem to be enjoying ourselves. Then we arrived at school.
Today I think of what Ignacio's friend said to him. His coworker, Ed, told him, "you and I are privileged because our wives can drive our children to school". If the commute is 20 minutes he said that's 40 minutes of time that our wives are spending with our children every day." Until he said that I never really thought it of it as quality time. I actually think of driving as a waste of time. And I don't like driving. But today I definitely can see how it is quality time spent with our children.
I feel so grateful for the time I had with my children this morning. I want to savor it.
Oh, and them most interesting thing is that we prayed in the driveway before we left.
"Every good thing comes from above"
So my thanks goes to Him.
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