Every day I ask God to help me enjoy my children. It is not that my kids aren't enjoyable. It's that I can be very critical. I can often just see improvement that needs to be done. And sometimes I can just get stuck on the negative. I can sometimes just see the problems or the things that are well.
Again and again the Lord answers that prayer. Today was no exception when Luna came in from cutting the grass saying "look what I found"
She had the cutest praying mantis on her hand. Every year she finds at least one praying mantis. Sometimes they are tiny (babies) sometimes they're adults and very big (full grown). This one looked like a teenager. And the cool thing is that a couple weeks ago she had found a very tiny one. So maybe this is the same one.
Then she said look mom if I hold my hand up he reaches four and then jumps onto it. She began to move her hands in different ways and interact with the praying mantis. How enjoyable it was to watch her enjoy that praying mantis.