Sometime in 2001 I had a conversation with my youngest sister, Jessi, about boys and relationship and finding the "one". She said to me, "have you ever written down on paper what you want in a guy?" Her question intriged me and I thought it would be interesting to do. So I wrote;
intelligent (bachelors degree)
good dancer
good sense of humor
likes to travel
career driven
I stuck the paper in my pocket and didn't think about it again until almost 2 years later when I was engaged to Ignacio. The note just popped in my head and I thought about Ignacio's qualities and it was so similar it was more than wierd. It was like fate or something. I remember having it to look at and compare and it was really amazing. Oh how I wish I still had that paper but I don't..must of lost it or fact the list above is the best I could get from my memory.
But it doesn't matter I have something better, the real thing, everynight in my bed.
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